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I love new beginnings. A new season, a new page. Be it weather related or ‘life season’ (new school year, new stage of learning, etc.) Its energizing in a ‘let’s sharpen our pencils and get back to school’ kind of way.

I have a new focus, a re-arranged schedule reflecting new awareness, new priorities on some exciting new projects. A renewed energy.

How is everyone else feeling? Are you ready to dig in and start on this next season?

What are you starting on, working on, where do you want to be, and how do you want it to look in a few months? What do you do to sustain your motivation?  What are you doing to improve your focus and concentration and organize this energy? The past has shown me that pacing myself most definitely helps! Also noting why these priorities are significant, and what I hope to have when I have completed these tasks. Would love to hear your plans, what has you motivated (or demotivated).

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