As a business owner, manager, entrepreneur you have a lot of responsibilities, dynamic and fast moving and changing tasks.
You often feel torn, trying to be everything, everywhere, all at once. None of it is being done as well as you know you can do it, and you are going through the motions but not fully present or engaged. You have the skills and knowledge, so why isn’t it easier? Your vision of how this company, job, or personal life would be, isn’t matching your current reality. No matter how hard and fast you run on the hamster wheel it feels like you are not getting any closer to your goals. What are those goals now anyway? Wild Ember provides coaching to people on how to make this change. Together we will find out what you want to change on your map to reach those goals, have purpose, focus and presence doing the things that matter to you. Wild Ember Coaching and Consulting provides coaching and courses, with support and accountability specific to you and your dynamic personality and life. Creating space to discover what is in alignment with your values, expectations, and life obligations so that you can be present and engaged in your daily life. Creating a clear map forward that gives you confidence that you have the ability, resilience, and the skills to live the way you want to live. Be it in running your business, being purposefully present in your career, and your personal life.
Let us find your wild ember and bring your life alive!
Hello, I am Chrissie!
I spent 20 years as a Registered Veterinary Technologist in mixed animal veterinary practice, and I absolutely loved it. Until I didn’t. I know how important staying true to your values, setting goals, prioritizing, and staying focused and engaged are to build the life you want to be apart of. I am strongly motivated to help you continue building the life you want, where you can sleep well and look all people, young and old, in the eyes and know you are doing the best you can. Wild Embers coaching, consulting and courses gives space for clients to dig into what the true issues at hand are and walks with them to develop and strategize the implementation of solutions. My core values are growth and quality, and I am irritatingly driven by them. I don’t want to waste time, I want things to get better. I want to help you find out what matters to you, so you can prioritize, streamline, organize and get going.
We Do
Together, since we are not supposed to do hard things alone
1:1 Coaching
1 FREE Discovery Call
7 bi-weekly, 60 minute coaching sessions
Through 1:1 coaching sessions you will gain focus, increased effectiveness, and momentum on the priorities for your career and personal life
Focus in on out what matters to you, prioritize, remove roadblocks, Create action and accountability plans
Project Productivity
1 FREE Discovery Call
1 one-hour coaching session
Two hours of virtual assistant task work completed by Wild Ember for YOU (for example but not limited to; organizing and creating a filing system, building a schedule, etc.)
Unlimited email communication, touch base and communication on task work
Productivity Development Pkg
1 FREE Discovery Call
3, one-hour coaching sessions
Six hours of virtual assistant task work completed by Wild Ember for YOU of tasks you prioritize (for example but not limited to; organizing and creating a filing system, building a schedule, etc.)
Unlimited email communication, touch base and communication on task work
Professional Development Pkg
1 FREE Discovery Call
4, one-hour coaching sessions
27 hours of virtual assistant task work completed by Wild Ember for YOU of tasks you prioritize (for example but not limited to; organizing and creating a filing system, building a schedule, etc.)
Unlimited email communication, touch base and communication on task work
What I do
To ensure you and your employees can continue to do what you do best.
Develop and Update Your Process and Procedure Documents
Wild Ember will custom create and update your organization’s process and procedure documents so that they are in unity with your organizations policies. These up-to-date documents specific to your organization are a significant tool for training, developing, and sustaining consistent work habits within your organization. Up-to-date process and procedures assist in maintaining fiscal responsibility by increasing efficiency, safety, efficacy, and decreasing potentially financially costly errors. Imparting and communicating knowledge for succession planning and training of new and current staff increases work productivity and engagement. Having up-to-date processes and procedures strengthens the problem-solving and error-finding capabilities of your employees, and the ability to resolve and decrease errors, which improves morale, and employee engagement, and decreases costs through your bottom line and your reputation. The clarity from documented and consistent process’ and procedures can aid in improving the psychological safety within teams and organizations. This helps you and your team navigate, shape, and sustain a healthy work culture.
What You Do
Empowerment and change comes from the practice and awareness
✓ Decluttering Guide
Free Worksheet and Guide to help you clear your physical space so you gain mental space and clarity.
Join our mailing list and receive your FREE worksheet and guide.
✓ Email Purge and Prioritize Course
Clear the inbox, prioritize and have the focus to get to work.
✓ Schedule Building Course
Building, maintaining, and adjusting YOUR schedule so all YOUR priorities and expectations are met.
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Contact Me
Have questions? Ready to book a FREE discovery call? Simply fill out your contact info and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.